Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wasting Time?

The life of a psychologist is lonely. Always analyzing, always testing. When one sees beauty, they enjoy it. In the mode of a psychologist, they want to see how far the beauty will bend until it breaks.

In mercenary thinking, the psychologist would be the better off because they would know how far the beauty will bend until it breaks, and the normal one will not.

But in the future when the psychologist gets tired or even bored, they will look to for distraction of simple beauty. They will not find it. They will search, and search, but in the end they will be so used to analyzing they forget how to stop.

That is why the psychologist needs to remember: they are not the case. Come back to normality and remember how to enjoy.

It's not wasting time. It's growing in a different way.



Difference between Understanders and Others.

Understanders don't completely understand. They have only began to understand. But once they start and reach a certain point, I'll catalog them as Understanders.

I've only met a few.

They're rare in younger circles. Why? These days understanding has lost the value that it deserves. Why reach out to the kid who insults you when you can just be comfortable with yourself? She'd keep bringing you down, after.

That's wrong.

Yes, you should learn to be comfortable with yourself, but that's only halfway.

When one kid insults another, the initial advice is: it's doesn't matter, you're important, beautiful, and not what the bully attacked. But that's only part of what should be done. You've fixed the victim, but what about the bully? Who's reaching out to them?

It's hard to reach out to those who seem like they don't want to be reached. And if they've truly closed themselves off, then you would be wasting your time trying to help them. But more often then not, they want to be helped. There's reason. They don't understand.

Understanding doesn't fester in those who won't use it. Practical intelligence can be possessed without use, but understanding is more than just practical intelligence.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today's Subject, Beginnings

To begin, you need to understand what you're getting into, or you'll drown. There are those who come into incredibly unlikely circumstances and are carried straight to the top. But those are the naturals born with it, and if one isn't born with it, they never develop it. Some come close, but they always fall short.

Perhaps people sacrifice security for the adrenaline rush found in danger. The emotion is addictive, but you choose either one or the other. To feel, or to understand.

I will understand. Understanding every moment of life. Be so sharp that the control always lies in my hands.

Others will not understand. But that doesn't matter, because I will understand. And as long as that stands, so will I.